So, I am having a hard time sleeping, so I thought I would read some people's blogs. I should comment more but I always feel like what I have to say is well...How do you say in english? "dumb" Anyways, I enjoyed reading about Thome's encounter with that Hobo, and I am interested in learning Quinn's thoughts on Bret Farve. Anyways, as I was reading through the blogs I came to an conclusion about my own blog. I am starting to lack variety. My blog is titled Waynes Wild World of COLLEGE FOOTBALL not Waynes special take on the SOONERS! I've been talking about them a lot and I plan on diversifying myself more. (One thing that bugs me about this small corner of the world is that it feels like a lot not all but a lot of people can only talk about BYU, Utah, and Boise State football and when you mention someone outside of that they look at you cross eyed.) I DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE THAT! There is a ton of stuff I could have been talking about like Tebow's concussion, Lane Kiffin pickin' fights with Urban Myers, Ohio State's 3 point loss to USC, USC loss to Washington, and what not, and Noter Dame's...just kidding no one wants to talk about the fighting irish. In the future let it be known that Wayne Bass is going to talk about COLLEGE FOOTBALL and not just about my beloved Sooners.
Ya know I think that I have just been thinking about the Sooners a lot and I just got done looking over some of my post and its not all Sooners. So, maybe it wasn't as bad as I first thought...Its late and even though I can't sleep right now I am tired right now.
except when you are around this area, that is all there is to talk about. I mean granted Boise State did beat down the Sooners a couple of years ago, but that is just icing on the cake.
You said "and what not" a lot.
Notre Dame is the only team that could lose 3 games this year and still possibly end up in a BCS bowl. If it weren't for Rudy I would hate them soooooo bad. At least Brady Quinn is going to have a helluva career!
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